Saturday, January 9, 2010

First comment and school in general

I am extremely happy today. I have gotten my first comments on my blog. I have been posting only for the last few days and I already have someone reading my blog and leaving comments. My cousin has been encouraging me all the while, but to tell the truth it is quite boring and a little heart-wrenching that no one other than my cousin visit my blog. But the cluster map shows some more people here and there in the country. However, it quite funnily failed to detect the presence of my first commentor (is that how it is spelt? - hello I am a ten year old... I must be excused!)

Outside my blog life, things are quite the usual. School was the usual with another heart stopping moment in math class when Sobuj Sir was almost about to land a missile-like rap on my knuckles. That's one of the many ways of tackling a bunch of will-go-out-of-hand-anytime ten year olds. If you are found talking in class he will swoop down from nowhere and then knock our heads with each other. If he is busy scribbling boring numbers on the blackboard and cannot easily reach us, he will turn and throw the piece of chalk that he is holding in the direction of the sound or rather the whisper or the hum. We all agree that he would have been quite asset for the Indian cricket team who, off late, have been quite lousy on field, especially while pulling off the perfect direct hits. Thus, for us he is the unsung hero!


Kim Ayres said...

One thing about blogging, is that you might have the funniest, best written, greatest blog in the universe, but if no one knows it's there, you'll get no comments or visitors.

There are tens of millions of blogs out there (possibly hundreds of millions - I haven't actually counted...) so the chances of people randomly stumbling across yours, reading your posts and taking the time to comment are very remote.

Quite simply, the best way to attract attention to your blog is to go out and visit other ones, read posts and leave comments. Then a certain percentage of those bloggers will pop over to see who has been commenting.

Over time, you will steadily build up a network of other bloggers you commonly read and exchange comments with.

jackonius said...

Yes, I have been fascinated by the amount of writings that I have come across in these few days. It is wrong to assume that someone may not have anything important to say. Rather, from my experience, I think everyone has some story to say. This was a small venture initiated by my cousin that came almost as a challenge to me... to continue what she has tentatively started on my behalf.
Thanks once again for the advice. Will be needing a lot more of them and will be looking forward to them as well :)

A.T. Post said...

Well, the Bearded One said it quite well, so I won't reiterate. I'll just leave another comment on your blog because I remember how thrilled I was when I got my first comment...

Funny post; Sobuj Sir sounds like a real taskmaster. I like your description of the "missile-like rap" of the knuckles. Good stuff, keep it up.